Thursday, August 9, 2012

FHA: The Basics- Test your knowledge!

1) What is the name of FHA's most popular loan program?

A) 203b    B) 403k    C)203k    D)401k

2) What is the maximum loan limit for our surrounding counties?

A)$269,500    B)$283,900    C)$271,050   D)$275,150

3) What is the minimum down payment FHA will allow?

A)3%    B)3.5%    C)3.75%    D)2.5%

4) FHA has a MAXIMUM income limit the borrower's can make?

True or False

5) Which of the following down payment options does FHA allow?

A) Borrowed funds/secured loan    B) Grant from non-profit organization    C) Gift from family member     D) All of the above

6) FHA has a minimum credit score of 620.

True or False

7) What is FHA's maximum debt ratio per their stated guidelines.

A) 29%     B) 38%    C) 40%     D) 43%

8 ) FHA will make exceptions to the above guidelines.

True or False

9) Without extenuation circumstances, you must wait how long after bankruptcy before obtaining an FHA loan?

A) 1 year     B) 2 years     C) 3 years     D) 7 years

10) Without extenuating circumstances, you must wait how long after a foreclosure ore deed-in-linu of foreclosure before obtaining an FHA loan?

A) 3 years    B) 2 years    C) 5 years    D) 7 years


1) A    2)C    3)B     4)False     5)D     6) False    7)D    8)True     9)B     10)A

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